This Coffee and Conversation is a conversation with the Coalition Coordinator for Vida Del Norte, Maria Gonzalaz and Brian Salazar from Taos Behavioral Health. In this video they talk about substance misuse increasing during holidays, and because of the covid pandemic and also mental health issues that relate to this.
The First Coffee and Conversation Broadcast
This was the first Coffee and Conversation Broadcast that Maria Gonzalez live streamed on Facebook on November 20, 2020. In this video, Maria introduces what Coffee and Conversation is about and why she decided to start broadcasting these conversations live and also discusses some of the issues facing the youth in the Questa area.
Coffee and Conversation Broadcasts
The Coffee and Conversation videos was a live video broadcast hosted on Facebook by Maria Gonzalez , the Coalition Coordinator for Vida Del Norte. In these broadcasts, Maria invites members of the community to participate in conversations about issues that are affecting us that relate to substance abuse and prevention, mental health and the well-being of youth, families and our communities. The Coffee and Conversation broadcasts are an opportunity for the community to discuss their concerns and show support for one another. Below is an archive of the Coffee and Conversations videos which happened.

The First Coffee and Conversation Broadcast
Video Published on November 20, 2020
This was the first Coffee and Conversation Broadcast that Maria Gonzalez live streamed on Facebook. In this video, Maria introduces what Coffee and Conversation is and why she decided to start broadcasting these conversations live and also discusses some of the issues facing the youth in the Questa area. VIEW THIS VIDEO
Speaking with Brian Salazar from Taos Behavioral Health
Video Published November 25, 2020
This Coffee and Conversation is a conversation with the Coalition Coordinator for Vida Del Norte, Maria Gonzalaz and Brian Salazar from Taos Behavioral Health. In this video they talk about substance misuse increasing during holidays, and because of the covid pandemic and also mental health issues that relate to this. VIEW THIS VIDEO
Communicating With Your Kids
Video published December 2, 2020
In this video, the Vida Del Norte Coalition Coordinator, Maria Gonzalez talks about ideas for communicating with your kids and close family members about substance misuse. She also discusses how young people often do not feel like they are really heard when they speak and this can make them uncomfortable talking to adults. VIEW THIS VIDEO
Talking with Questa Councilman John Ortega
Video published December 4, 2020
In this video Coalition Coordinator, Maria Gonzalez has a conversation with Questa Councilman, John Ortega to talk about his role in the Vida Del Norte Coalition and why he became involved. Councilman Ortega is part of the Government sector of the coalition. VIEW THIS VIDEO
Live with Licensed Clinical Councilor Gilbert Valdez
Video Published December 9, 2020
In this Coffee and Conversation broadcast Licensed Clinical Councilor Gilbert Valdez talks about the effects that drinking alcohol has on the brain, specifically what happens in the brain when someone consumes too much alcohol. VIEW THIS VIDEO
Talking with Angelica Lovato
Video Published December 16, 2020
In this Coffee and Conversation broadcast Coalition Coordinator, Maria Gonzalez talks with Angelica Lovato who is a junior at Questa high school and a member of Vida Del Norte's youth coalition, Active8. VIEW THIS VIDEO
Live With Daniel Herrera
Video Published December 18, 2020
In this Coffee and Conversation broadcast Coalition Coordinator, Maria Gonzalez talks with Daniel Hererra about his experience in recovery, his project RYNO (Rewire Yourself with New Opportunities) and his vision to be a pathway navigator to people in recovery. VIEW THIS VIDEO
Maria Gonzalez Talks About Goals
Video Published January 13, 2020
In this Coffee and Conversation broadcast Coalition Coordinator, Maria Gonzalez talks about the idea of setting goals and setting goals in the new year and helping to hold each other accountable. VIEW THIS VIDEO
Coffee And Conversation With Lawrence Medina From Rio Grande Alcoholism Treatment Program
Video Published January 20, 2020
In this Coffee and Conversation broadcast Coalition Coordinator, Maria Gonzalez talks with Lawrence Medina From Rio Grande ATP who talks about the services they provide in alcoholism treatment. Rio Grande ATP provides substance abuse treatment, behavioral health services, and access to supportive services as well.
To find out more about Rio Grande ATP please visit VIEW THIS VIDEO
Coping Skills
Video Published January 22, 2020
In this Coffee and Conversation broadcast Coalition Coordinator, Maria Gonzalez talks about helping to give kids coping skills and life skills. She talks about the importance of encouraging exercise, creativity, relaxation and positive self-talk to help kids develop coping skills. VIEW THIS VIDEO
A Conversation with William Borges
Video Published January 27, 2020
In this Coffee and Conversation broadcast Coalition Coordinator, Maria Gonzalez talks with Vida Del Norte Coalition member William Borges about his experience and his involvement with the coalition. William talks about how hopes to see the youth in the community overcome the obstacles that are in front of them, develop coping skills and not resort to substance youth. VIEW THIS VIDEO
Maria Gonzalez Talks About Trauma
Video Published February 2, 2021
In this Coffee and Conversation broadcast Vida Del Norte Coalition Coordinator, Maria Gonzalez talks about trauma. VIEW THIS VIDEO