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Online Support Groups

Here are a few links to online support groups. Some of these are video support groups and some of these are online live chats or forums.
If you use any of these resources please be careful with your information online and do not ever share your phone number, address or financial information inside a chat room or video group.
Alcoholics Anonymous – Online Intergroup
This is a resource that offers a long list of online Alcoholics Anonymous meetings that use the Zoom platform. These group sessions are free and are a great way to have access to AA from anywhere that you have internet access. There are many different sessions and times and Zoom is also free and easy to use. With Zoom you have the option of using your webcam if you have one for video or if you turn that off you can just participate in the group with audio.
Al-Anon Electronic Meetings
Here is a link to some listings for Al-Anon meetings online. These meetings are in various formats and languages so please search through the list of meetings and find one that might work for you. This site has links to video groups, phone sessions, chats, forums and also email support.
Buddhist Recovery Meetings
Recovery Dharma Online
These sites have video group support sessions for people in recovery. “Recovery Dharma uses Buddhist practice and principles to heal the suffering caused by all types of addiction. It is an international community of people who host and participate in weekly meetings to support our sobriety and wellbeing through meditation, self-inquiry, and sharing”. -Recovery Dharma Online
Support Groups Central
This site has video support groups in a wide variety of subjects. Many of the groups are free and some of them cost a small fee. There are groups for depression, substance abuse and many other issues.
Turn2me hosts Online Support Groups on Anxiety, Suicidal Thoughts & Feelings, Depression, Stress Management and General Mental Health issues. Support groups are free but they do require booking. You can book a support group at