The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) is hosting the 10th annual National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® (NDAFW), taking place March 30 through April 5, 2020!
National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® is a time to participate in educational events that annually bring together teens and scientific experts to learn about substance use and addiction.
This year the official theme is: SHATTER THE MYTHS® about substance use and addiction. Join National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® by sharing why you want to SHATTER THE MYTHS®!
NIDA and NIAAA are both part of the National Institutes of Health.
This year all of the National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® activities are being hosted online so that people can participate without having to leave their house.
To see all the activities, visit:
Here are some of the National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® activities:
SHATTER THE MYTHS® Photo and Video Request
Share why you want to SHATTER THE MYTHS® about substance use and addiction by joining this campaign. Click here for more details.
2020 National Drug & Alcohol IQ Challenge
The National Institute on Drug Abuse invites you to test your knowledge on how drugs and alcohol affect young people’s brains and bodies with the new KAHOOT GAMES.
Drug Facts Challenge!Visit the Official Page of the National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® for more of the official activities during National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week®
And here are some other fun games and quizzes from to keep you busy during National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week®
Drug Scene Investigators
Solve drug-related mysteries using science.
The Reconstructors: A Plaguing Problem
Students solve crimes and learn how opioids affect the body.
Pure Rush: Drug Education Game
Fun, arcade-style game to educate students about drug effects and potential harms.
Test your students' knowledge on drugs and alcohol via an interactive online quiz
Visit for more fun games